Purpose of Life?

Ibe Syahrir
3 min readSep 12, 2020


Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Did you ever have questions cross to your brain? Such as what is your life for? What will you do in the next 5 years? What will you be at the end of your life? Currently, my age is 28. It’s too old for a human who have met his goal for life. Yes! You aren’t misreading. Explicitly, I’ve just realized that I have no idea what kind of person I want to be for all this time. At least, until I watched a youtube video yesterday.

Basically, I always want to be recognized as a process engineer with great understanding as well as shared knowledge for others. I know I really want to be a plant superintendent in my workplace. But, what will I do after I succesfully achieve that? Should I pursue managerial position? It seems it isn’t a good idea. Of course, managerial career means higher salary, but for me money never can buy happiness.

Never found an answer for my previous question is my biggest doubt for almost 4 years. I know not having a dream would be a big failure for me. I am totally not a follower type. I always want to do a breakthrough with my own ways. So, what will I do in the next 5 years?


Accidentally, yesterday I found a youtube video from my previous plant design supervisor (Mr AI). Usually, I open youtube to accompany my work with music but that day, my mind told me to type Mr AI name in the search bar. Fortunately, I got 3 interesting video about scientific writing.

In the video, he said scientific paper is needed in order to share knowledge, to push other research to be better, and to inform what we’ve achieved and what can be improved for the next effort. Wow. That nice word is like a slap on my face. It is like I got a guidance directly from God to be a precise description about process engineer in my view.

I want to be a process engineer producing great knowledge. Scientific journal will be my medium to transform my experience and what I know about certain topics. Research and engineering already have a lot of academic researcher, so I would like to take different way. Being a researcher from professional world looks suitable for my role and my experience so far.

It would be nice if I can officially share to good journal per month (hammer!). But maybe just for starting point, being accepted in at least Q2 journal before the end of this year is enough for me.



Ibe Syahrir

menjadi insan dan pribadi yang sukses mulia!